Organization name, website and address:
Email of Organizer:
Event contact persons name, email, office and cell # for emergency:
Event location, address, room Jennifer is speaking in and phone #:
Event date, specific start and end speaking time for Jennifer
Describe the event: Keynote, breakout, luncheon, workshop, other:
Hotel confirmation #, address and phone #:
Distance/time from hotel to event site:
Airport name and airline reservations details
Transportation details, rental car, shuttle, limo, etc:
What is the theme for this event:?
What are the 3 most important things to know about your group?
Names and positions of senior level people attending?
What is your organization mission statement and most known for?
Share a several sentence "state of the industry" statement:
Top 3 objectives for Jennifer's presentation?
Sensitive issues to understand, address or avoid?
# of attendees you're anticipating? % of female & male? Spouses?
Any information you want Jennifer to reinforce?
Biggest opportunities present and/or future?
Biggest challenges your organization is facing?
Who are your organizational heroes that you admire/study?
What training programs have the audience been through?
What is your primary product, service and customer type?
How will you know Jennifer has delivered great value and was a hit?
Text Area 24
How did you hear about Jennifer? Website, Gallup, Article, Book, Google, Speaking, etc?
Who will be introducing me? Who do I turn program back to?
What happens and who is speaking before and after me?
Describe the meeting room and stage set up?
Clients often want to add value with pre-post coaching for members, books, or audio. Would you be interested in discussing these options?
Depending on the success of the presentation, what other presentation topics would be considered for the future?